Version History and Release Notes for Spark View

build 1083, Feb 23, 2025
  1. RDP(GFX): Fixed corrupted frames issue
build 1082, Feb 14, 2025
  1. Updated OpenSAML, PDFBox etc. libraries to the newest versions.
build 1081, Feb 7, 2025
  1. shadow.html: Fixed a black screen issue when joining the shadowed session (introdeced in build 1075).
  2. SSH: Fixed a display issue caused by invalid row number (MikroTik Device).
  3. RDP(GFX): Fixed a decode() of Null issue when noise data were transfered in joined session
build 1080, Feb 3, 2025
  1. RDP(GFX): Fixed a black screen issue when ffmpeg video decoder is used on Chromium based browsers ("Use graphics acceleration when available" is disabled)
  2. RDP: Fixed audio recording not working issue when audio playback redirectoin is disabled
build 1079, Jan 30, 2025
  1. RDP: GFX session will show a play icon instead if it's not started and need user's permission (only happens in Edge when session is in a iframe).
  2. RDP: Allow relative URL only for returnUrl in the /CONNECT handler(examplePost.html).
  3. VNC: Fixed "Computer" field may include JavaScript which could be executed in the browser.
  4. ALL: All error messages will be treated as plain text by defult.
  5. SSH: Fixed a malform URL issue when some cookies have no values
build 1078, Jan 22, 2025
  1. RDP: Fixed a black screen issue when joining a GFX session
  2. RDP: New snapshot API, http://gateway/SNAPSHOT?id=***
  3. 2FA: Fixed a reset not working issue
  4. SSH: Improved performance
build 1077, Jan 13, 2025
  1. Video Acceleration available on multi-monitors
  2. Fixed a Two Factor Authentication file locking issue introduced in build 1076
build 1076, Dec 28, 2024
  1. Supports high quality AAC audio output. SparkView now has both great audio and video output.
  2. Reverse Agent is a standalone application and can be installed as a Windows Service.
  3. dvc_gfx_min.js is not needed anymore.
7.0.0, build 1075, Dec 12, 2024
  1. GFX Video (H.264) Acceleration on desktop mode (no RemoteApp yet), session shadowing (broadcasting), and session recording.
  2. Group Policey changes:
    Prioritize H.264/AVC 444 graphics mode for Remote Desktop Connections: "Enable"
    Configure compression for RemoteFX data: "Enable", "Do not use an RDP compression algorithm"
  3. Make sure the new dvc_gfx_min.js is included in your web page.
build 1074, Sep 20, 2024
  1. HTTP Proxy: Added path and path whitelist for the HTTP Reverse Proxy
  2. Agent: Fixed a broken pipe issue on Linux, and new installer for Linux
build 1073, Sep 12, 2024
  1. ALL: Fixed "can not upload the same file consecutively" issue in Chromium based browsers
  2. ALL: Use absolute file path instead in FileMonitorInterface
  3. RDP: "disabledKeys" in gateway.conf allows up to 5 keys for shortcut key combinations (was 4)
build 1072, Sep 8, 2024
  1. RDP: Slightly improved the performance
  2. RDP: Added more keyboard layouts in rdp.html/login.html
  3. SSH: Added "Light" and "Classic" themes
  4. SSH: Added Remote character Set decoding.
6.4.0, build 1071, August 31, 2024
  1. HTTP Proxy: Fully redesigned with better performance, better compatibility and better URL replacement. Please check the Admin Manual for more details.
  2. ALL: HttpOnly flag is added to server side cookies
  3. RDP: Fixed a signing issue on native shadowing.
  4. Agent: Fixed a starting issue when the system is slow.
build 1070, Aug 20, 2024
  1. HTTP Proxy: Improved the performance; Added Replace Absolute Link option in config.html; Fixed a bug with cookie domain replacement etc
  2. RDP: Workaround for BouncyCastle version conflict issue when customer has another version of library in use.
build 1069, Aug 11, 2024
  1. RDP: Fixed extra character issue when Traditional Chinese IME are used in both local and remote.
  2. ALL: new com.toremote.gateway.plugin.FileMonitorInterface for plugin, which allow your plugin to monitor file operations if your plugin implemented this interface.
build 1068, July 30, 2024
  1. SAML: fixed a response parsing error, both NameId and EmailAddress can be used as username
  2. ALL: Primary and joined session numbers are also logged.
  3. hi5.notifications supports customized buttons
build 1067, July 21, 2024
  1. HTTP Proxy: better support on absolute links.
  2. RDP: Fixed a copy issue on iOS.
  3. login.html: Set hi5.appcfg.newWindow: "default" to stop opening new connection in new Window
  4. RDP: Added hi5.appcfg.reconnectInterval (milliseconds) for the auto reconnecting.
  5. RDP: Fixed a connection issue with RDP native shadowing (shadow.html) when credSSP = false in gateway.conf
build 1066, June 27, 2024
  1. ALL: Fixed a freezing issue with when extra fields are requested
  2. ALL: Added refresh() method for
  3. reconnectTimes works on joined sessions too.
6.3.0, build 1065, June 02, 2024
  1. RDP: Kerberos authentiation with credentials, smart card
  2. RDP: Remote Credential Guard based Single Sign-On (SSO)
  3. RDP: Smart card authentication support on macOS
  4. ALL: New reverse agent allow you connect to anywherereverse.pdf
  5. Facelift
  6. Bug fixes.
  7. We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for the newest updates
6.2.0, build 1013, August 14, 2022
  1. VMWare html console support.
    • The server of vnc.html can be a weboscket address if you know the ticket, for example: wss://
    • User vmware.html if you know the ESX credentials.
    • Check vmware/index.html for proxy method.
  2. SSH: Better unicode (Chinese, Japanese) support.
  3. SSH: Supports GB2312 and Shift-JIS encoding.
  4. SSH: Supports line drawing mode.
  5. HTTP Proxy: https://Gateway/PXY/https/, set http.proxy.enable=true in gateway.conf to enable it
  6. New Windows and macOS agents for smart card and scanner redirection.
  7. Bug fixes.
  8. We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for more details.
6.1.0 Januarary 10, 2022
  1. RDP: WebUSB based USB redirection.
  2. RDP: No temporary file generated on gateway when you copy a file from the server.
  3. RDP: New cipherSuitesClient in gateway.conf to configure the cipher suites used in RDP connection.
  4. RDP: New "enforce" value for credSSP entry in gateway.conf.
  5. RDP: RDP server plugin for monitor server (15).
  6. RDP: New toolsdir entry in gateway.conf which will be automatically redirected as a drive and run the RDP plugin for the monitor server (15).
  7. RDP: Fixed "Access denied" issue when downloading a file with Alternated Data Streams.
  8. RDP: Workaround for Chrome full screen bug 1281939.
  9. SSH: New cmdList parameter for SSH command whitelist or blacklist.
  10. SSH: Supports BCrypt encrypted key file and PKCS#8 format, and aes-256-ctr private key.
  11. SNMP support.
  12. New sessiondashboard.html reference implementation for session notification.
  13. Don't trust connections from localhost in config.html and API with trustLocal = false in gateway.conf.
  14. Fixed a UPN login issue on Active Directory integration.
  15. Standalone Monitor Server for monitoring, event logging.
  16. Fixed downloading issue when files includes special characters.
  17. We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for more details.
6.0.0 Januarary 11, 2021
  1. Supports native RDP shadowing. You can use shadow.html to shadow any active RDP sessions.
  2. Better audio encoding with new thread.
  3. Better resolution change support in session recording.
  4. Fixed recorded session playback issue when the resolution is wrong.
  5. Spark View becomes free personal version by default (allow 2 concurrent sessions) if license file was not found.
  6. Incompatibility warning: audiorecorder_min.js is added and it'll be loaded by the libaray automatically. Make sure you deploy it along with other JS files.
  7. We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for more details.
5.9.0 July 13, 2020
  1. Supports Webcam redirection.
  2. Supports Scanner redirection.
  3. Supports ADFS OAuth2.
  4. Get multi session information at a time with the HTTP session API: http://yourGateway/SESSION?ids=session1,sessions2&...
  5. Fixed RemoteApp resizing issue.
  6. Fixed a specific DIB format issue on clipboard redirection.
  7. Fixed validTo parameter not working issue on HTTP SYMLINK API.
  8. We release new builds 2-3 times a month with bug fixes and new features. Please check release.txt for more details.
  9. Download
5.8.0 July 3, 2019
  1. File: SMB2 and SFTP access with file.html (SMB, SFTP proxy).
  2. RDP: Recording, drive redriection etc can use SMB share.
  3. RDP: Download (copy) files from RDP server directly without prompting (set fileUnprompted in gateway).
  4. RDP: Async text, image copy/paste on Chrome (Image needs Ver 76 and later).
  5. RDP: Don't zip file when download (copy) one file only.
  6. RDP: Fixed transferCredential: false not working on domain user issue.
  7. RDP: Set transferCredential on data source (AD, LDAP data source in servers.json)
  8. RDP: Progress notification of PDF converting.
  9. RDP: Fixed InvalidPathException when file name has zone identifier (Alternative Data Stream) on redirected drive
  10. RDP: Increased default printing timeout to 20 minutes (set maxPrintTime in gateway.conf)
  11. RDP: Fixed duplicated PrtScn key issue on Linux Chrome.
  12. RDP: set box-sizing of PDF dialog as "content-box" to avoid boostrap css conflict.
  13. RDP: Copy/paste file doesn't depend on mapDisk = true any more.
  14. RDP: onloggedin event fired on XRDP too.
  15. RDP: Fixed a PS to PDF converting error when printing big PDF files.
  16. RDP: Fixed a high CPU usage issue caused by HTML to RTF converting (Copy/Paste).
  17. RDP: Added Muti-Monitor option on login.html, login2.html, login3.html.
  18. RDP: Fixed white screen issue when RDP session is redirected to a RDP server with multiple network cards.
  19. RDP: Better timezone detection on non-IE browsers.
  20. RDP: Send scancode instead for numbers on unicode keyboard.
  21. VNC: Supports RFB3.7+
  22. VNC: Supports TLS, VeNCrypt etc encryptions.
  23. SSH: Deploy, test, run your application in the cloud with Spark Gateway and Spark Agent.
  24. SSH: Supports ssh-rsa, ecdsa-sha2 certificates
  25. SSH: User name can be undefined on certificate based authentication.
  26. SSH: Improved SFTP file downloading performance.
  27. SSH: Session can be paused too.
  28. SSH: Can upload file bigger than 1GB (up to 8PB).
  29. SSH: Display image or download file with base64 command.
  30. SSH: Fixed a Keyboard Interactive authentication issue.
  31. SSH: SSH: Fixed a display issue with PowerShell on Linux.
  32. SSH: onusername and onauthprompt events to customize authentication UI.
  33. SSH: Text selcteion in SSH improved, background color is customizable with hi5.appcfg.selectionColor = "white"
  34. SSH: onclose supports "expected" argument too.
  35. SSH: fixed onerror not fired issue when gateway is down.
  36. SSH: Option to disable auto resolution change (set reconnectOnResize as false, same as RDP).
  37. SSH: Added reconnect(width, height) method (same as RDP).
  38. SSH: Fixed \| key issue on UK keyboard
  39. SSH: Fixed disconnection issue when click on "Your position".
  40. Active Directory Integration: User can change the password from login.html and get notified when password will expire.
  41. Added sso.html example for VPN integration.
  42. Fixed a OpenLDAP authentication issue.
  43. File Manager UI can be sorted by clicking on the table tile.
  44. Increased default header size of HTTP to 16K from 8K (set maxRequestBytes in gateway.conf)
  45. Improved performance on HTTP Session API.
5.7.0 January 12, 2019
  1. RDP: Automatically choose the best printer driver for target OS if printer driver is not configured.
  2. RDP: Supports text only printers: Receipt, Label printers.
  3. RDP: New native Smart Card Agent for Windows and macOS, replaced the old Java Applet.
  4. RDP: Fixed a deadlock issue on session shadowing
  5. RDP: Fixed unicode file name encoding issue when gateway running on Ubuntu.
  6. RDP: Fixed file uploading issue when the file size is bigger than 6G (now up to 8PB).
  7. RDP: Fixed Safari audio playing back issue when open RDP connection in an new window.
  8. RDP: Fixed issue that people can download other user's file if they know the user GUID and file name (rdpcore_min.js, SparkGateway.jar). Cookie in browser must be enabled, otherwise, user can not download files.
  9. RDP: Fixed encrypted PDF file printing issue.
  10. RDP: Fixed 2 PDF files generated issue when printing multiple files.
  11. RDP: Fixed IE RemoteApp resizing issue when running under Kiosk Mode.
  12. RDP: Fixed reconnecting issue on Firefox when "You PDF file may not display correctly" toolbar appear.
  13. RDP: Added Danish keyboard
  14. RDP: Fixed paste image issue on IE
  15. RDP: Send scancode instead for numbers on unicode keyboard(Some filted inputs only accept scancode)
  16. VNC: Fixed VNC memory leak issue when keep connecting and disconnecting.
  17. Fixed file uploading dialog becoming smaller bug after uploading files when bootstrap css is used.
  18. Fixed file dialog disappear issue when resizing the browser (surface_min.js)
  19. SSH: Select and copy text to local clipboard.
  20. SSH: Fixed ping method an affect VIM editor input issue.
  21. SSH: Fixed SSH display issue when connecting to Procurve and Aruba Switches.
  22. SSH: Fixed SFTP(SSH) downloading issue when file path includes ..
  23. SSH: reconnectOnResize proptery and reconnect(newWidth, newHeight) method are also available.
  24. Okta integration.
  25. Tested on Open JDK 11 and zulu Open JDK 11.
5.6.0 March 31, 2018
  1. Supprts the newest credSSP version 6 (Microsoft CredSSP updates for CVE-2018-0886)
  2. Supports sftp, curve25519-sha256 KexAlogorithms and ed25519 key file on SSH
  3. Support server group, user group
  4. Better concurrent session shadowing when resetOnJoin = true
  5. Better IME, mouse wheel gesture (2 finger) support on iOS and Andorid
  6. New portCheckTimes, portCheckInterval parameters for server status checking.
  7. New fontFamily, lineHeight parameters for SSH
  8. New player.html (Playing local file) and playerremote.html (Playing files on gateway)
  9. Fixed some RemoteApp windows are not centered issue
  10. Fixed large file (>4GB) uploading issue
  11. Fixed Convert/NonConvert key not working issue on Japanese keyboard
  12. Fixed numlock sync issue after browser is resized
  13. Fixed half hour timezone issue, such as IST.
  14. Fixed some pages missing issue when printing multiple files together
  15. Fixed some temporary files were not deleted issue
  16. Fixed remote copy/paste issue when running in Electron
  17. Fixed mouse wheel (2 fingers) moving too fast issue on iOS and Android
  18. Fixed resolution change issue when switching back from other apps on iOS
  19. Fixed VNC Command key stuck issue on Mac.
5.5.0 Januarary 1, 2018
  1. File drag and drop. You can drag a file to remote desktop or file explorer directly. Need to set copyFile=true in gateway.conf to enable it. (RDP)
  2. RDP 6.1 bulk compression support.
  3. Supports microphone redirection on Safari (Ver 11 or later) too.
  4. Better multiple files printing support (RDP).
  5. RemoteApp task bar when running multiple RemoteApps in one browser window (login.html, exampleRemoteApp2.html) (RDP).
  6. New copyToLocal, copyToRemote RDP parameters for fine control of clipbaord redirection.
  7. New writeClipboard method to write text, html, image to remote clipboard (RDP).
  8. New onLockKeyState event on RDP and VNC.
  9. New sendKeyboardSynchronize(scroll, numlock, capital) (RDP).
  10. Keyboard auto-detection.
  11. Fixed "can not swtich focus back from addresssbar on IE" issue.
  12. Fixed a connection issue on Remote Assitance (assist.html).
  13. Fixed double cursor issue on Remote Assistance (assit.html).
  14. Fixed multiple monitor connection issue when screen is scaled on Windows.
  15. Fixed audio plack issue on Edge.
  16. Fixed unicode keyboard issue on XRDP.
  17. Fixed blurry screen issue when mouse move to Chrome toolbar.
  18. Fixed extra text blink cursor issue on IE.
  19. VNC supports Hextile encoding, QEMU extended key event and LED State Pseudo-encoding.
  20. 16 bit color support on Tight Encoding (VNC).
  21. Fixed session shadowing issue when Tight Encoding is used on VNC.
  22. Fixed Print and Pause key not working issue on QEMU VNC.
  23. Better xterm terminal support on SSH.
  24. Better performance on SSH.
  25. Supports 24 bit color on SSH.
  26. New terminlaType parameter for SSH.
  27. Joined SSH user can see the historay data too.
  28. Click special effect on session shadowing; also supported on playback.
  29. UI streamlined and improved: show uploading speed, new hi5.ui.Lightbox, better hi5.Draggable etc.
  30. Fixed extra key up message issue when working with Keepass Auto-Type.
  31. Better keyboard handling. Including lock key synchronization, key down or key up not captured by browser etc.
  32. writeText and writeKeyComb method added interval and callback arguments.
  33. Supports Radius Accept Challenge message.
  34. syslog integration (Linux).
  35. Supports SAML integration.
  36. Fixed extra headers configured in gateway.conf are not applied on XMLHTTP Request issue.
  37. Fixed file name encoding issue when file has unicode in it on IE.
  38. Better compatibility with Chromium Embedded Framework and Electron.
5.0.0 February 15, 2017
  1. Better RDP performance on all browsers which makes Spark View absolutely faster than any other native or html5 clients in most senarioes
  2. Better UI response with Web Workers (JavaScript threads) on RDP which makes running multi-sessions on one web page faster and smooth. You can disable Web Workers by setting useWorker: false in appcfg.js.
  3. Multi-Monitor support
  4. Play sound (RDP) on IE too with flash fallback.
  5. Supports multi printers and multi printer drivers (PostScript, PCL, PDF) at the same time.
  6. Better preformance on RDP recording playback.
  7. Dragable toolbar
  8. Auto word wrap on Telnet session.
  9. User and domain variables can be used in the redirected drive path: "devicePath" in servers.json and tmpdir in gateway.conf. For example: You can set tmpdir= \tmp\${user}\ in gateway.conf.
  10. Fixed a crash issue when using unicode keyboard on Edge.
  11. Fixed "Create directory" button not working issue on the file loading interface.
  12. Fixed mapClipboard switch not working on cached session issue.
  13. Incompatiblity warning: You need to include h5core_min.js and rdpcore_min.js in your web pages too since 5.0. You must configure hi5.libPath if you are using Spark View client side library in your portal and has Web Workers enabled.
4.8.9 November 20, 2016
  1. Better user interface, and user experience on mobile devices
  2. Better external keyboard handling on mobile devices
  3. IP filters (iptables) configuration on gateway.
  4. New session shadowing mode: Only one can control, but others can move mouse (setJoinMode(3)).
  5. Supports multiple cursors in session recording.
  6. SSH is 3-4 times faster.
  7. Added bgColor and fgColor parameters, writeText method, onoutput event for SSH.
  8. Wake On Lan with RDP session
  9. login.html supports HTTP Basic Authentication too.
  10. Configure recording filename on browser side too with __record_name parameter
  11. Option to allow gateway accept symlink connection only: symlinkOnly=true in gateway.conf
  12. Added blur() method and onfocus event for LocalInterface
  13. Fixed file uploading dialog visible issue when clipboard redirection is disabled in servers.json.
  14. Fixed file uploading issue on iOS.
  15. Fixed incorrect format issue when copying from PowerShell ISE to local computer.
4.8.8 September 11, 2016
  1. User name and unique color will be diplayed under the cursor in session shadowing. Set noCursorName: true in appcfg.js to disable it
  2. Supports muti-factor authentication in RADIUS integration (tested on Azure MFA).
  3. Seamless session shadowing: no need to reconnet when user joining. The joining may take more time if network is slow. You can go back to the old way by setting resetOnJoin=true in gateway.conf
  4. Supports the following HTTP Header parameters: gw_user, gw_pwd, gw_server, gw_symlink
  5. VNC repeater support.
  6. Better RemoteApp support.
  7. Recording file auto rotation (limit the size of recording file): recFileSize in gateway.conf
  8. File type and size fileter for file uploading: file.fileter and file.maxSize in gaeteway.conf
  9. Option to keep the printing result (PDF) on gateway: keepPrinting in gateway.conf
  10. More parameters for VNC: trackCursorLocally, ignoreCursor.
  11. Default value of reconnectTimes is 3 instead of 0.
  12. Option to ignore useless/duplicate server updating: set updateFix: true in appcfg.js only when you have this kind of issue.
  13. Right Ctrl and right shift support.
  14. Fixed copy issue from PowerShell ISE and MS SQL Manager to local.
  15. Fixed xrdp session shadowing issue.
  16. Fixed window snap (left, top) issue.
  17. Fixed Ctrl+-, Cmd+D/E shorcuts issue
  18. Fixe screen not cleared issue on SSH
  19. Fixed \| key issue on Portuguese keyboard.
  20. Fixed incorrect color issue when joining a symlink.
  21. Fixed IBM SPSS Modeler RemoteApp closing issue.
  22. Fixes SSH connection issue on touch screen.
  23. Fixed text cursor not visible issue on black background.
  24. Fixed a deaklock issue when using joining a symlink and createif=on.
  25. Fixed mousewheel click issue on RDP, mousewheel scrolling issue on XRDP
  26. Fixed Ctrl+A, Ctrl+E, Ctrl+Shift+6, Ctrl+Break issue on SSH and Telnet
  27. Fixed getRecordingFile retured null issue in plugin's onSessionCreated.
  28. Fixed mousewheel peroformance issue on VNC.
  29. Fixed Alt + NumPad issue on VNC.
4.8.7 February 23, 2016
  1. Better performance, about 16% faster on RDP and VNC connection.
  2. Supports VRDP (VirtualBox RDP) video redirection.
  3. Better performance on joined sessions.
  4. Improved performance on session recording and CPU usage.
  5. Reduced garbage collection time.
  6. Added startPing method on VNC JS object too.
  7. Supports bgColor, fgColor, fontName on Telnet connection.
  8. Better RTF format support on RDP clipboard redirection.
  9. Set extra HTTP headers in gateway.conf (headers).
  10. Disabled HTML escaping on generated JSON.
  11. Symlink joining will check user name, domain name too other than ID.
  12. Can use java -cp ..\SparkGateway.jar com.toremote.gateway.Mailer to test email configuration
  13. Added listing server and symlink HTTP API.
  14. Can create folder, open current folder on file uploading UI.
  15. Fixed Alt + KyePad 137 not working on remote IE issue.
  16. Fixed copy issue between two RemoteApps in different sessions.
  17. Fixed second paste not working on Telnet and SSH issue.
  18. Fixed "Range error" caused RDP session crash issue (may happen when there is VNC server running in RDP server)
  19. Fixed RDP session crash issue when keep playing a video with VLC player several hours
  20. Fixed specific RemoteApp window could not be resized issue
  21. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
4.8.6 January 16, 2016
  1. Improved compatibility on Cisco, Juniper and Dell VPNs. included workaround for Cisco, Dell VPN JavaScript Rewriter bugs, SSO integration etc.
  2. Supports HTTP basic authentication which can be used on SSO integration
  3. Better copy experience.
  4. Fixed memory leak issue caused by multiple connection and disconnection.
  5. Fixed a drawing issue when connecting to VMWare Console VNC
  6. Fixed NumberFormat exception when parameters for symlink are configured on both client and gateway sides.
  7. Fixed a Excel copy issue between two connected sessions
  8. Fixed writeKeyComb('Ctrl+Alt+Del') not working on VNC.
  9. Fixed AltGr key stuck issue on embedded RDP session.
  10. Fixed screen scrolling up issue when right click on Mac Chrome
4.8.5 November 24, 2015
  1. LDAP and RADIUS support.
  2. Redirect http to https (set redirectToHttps = true in gateway.conf)
  3. Fewer delay time when joining a session.
  4. New beforemousedown, aftermouseup events.
  5. Password on report.html can be MD5 hashed.
  6. Fixed recording noise issue on VirtualBox RDP
  7. Fixed RTF format copying issue on Windows 2003.
  8. Fixed AltGr key not working issue on Putty.
  9. Fixed mouse position issue when some extensions in use.
  10. Fixed context menu disappear issue when zoom in on Android.
4.8 October 12, 2015
  1. Prepare to be surprised: another great performance improvement.
  2. Better different Smart Cards support.
  3. Can join the session even main session is closed (if joined session can keep running after main session is closed)
  4. Improved the audio recording on VirtualBox RDP.
  5. Added Portuguese, Portuguese(Brazil), Turkish keyboard layouts
  6. Added symlink and thumbnail columns on session list (config.html).
  7. Adjust the size of RemoteApp child window to fit current browser window.
  8. Fixed a RemoteFX black screen issue on Windows 2012 R2.
  9. Fixed CapsLock sync issue.
4.7 September 8, 2015
  1. Smart Card redirection support (with Java Applet)
  2. Keep joined sessions open after the main session was closed: new JS method: rdp.setJoinCloseMode(mode)
  3. Reduced memory usage and threads on gateway.
  4. Supports WMF and RTF formats on clipboard redirection.
  5. Streamlined logging: fewer logs and better performance
  6. Limit the size of copying content (set copySize in gateway.conf).
  7. Fixed connection issue on Java 1.8.0_60 when NLA is enabled on RDP server.
  8. Fixed NumLock sync issue.
  9. Can join a symlink; And start a new connection if there is no existing connection on the symlink (disabled by default)
  10. Fixed a mouse position issue when a scaled session running in a div.
  11. New JS method: LocalSurface.scaleTo(newWidth, newHeight, ignoreAspectRatio), rdp.setVolume()
  12. Fixed a shift key not working issue on embedded session in Windows 2003.
  13. Fixed a drawing issue on Windows 2003 if legacy mode was not enabled.
  14. Get session thumbnail with new Java method in plugin: SessionInformation.getThumbnail()
  15. Can set up load balance token in appcfg.js which can be used for token based load balancing
  16. Fixed a exception when Safari in in private mode (iOS)
  17. Fixed screen auto scrolling issue when RDP session in a scrollable iframe
  18. Allow user to download the image if user is copying a image which is not supported by browser
4.6 July 19, 2015
  1. Microsoft Edge and Windows 10 support
  2. Right click (context menu) copy support on Chrome and IE, Right click paste support on IE
  3. Can add extra parameters for connection and comment on Symlink
  4. Can get header information using SessionInformation.getHeader() from plugin
  5. Can encrypt data files (servers.json, users.json, symlink.json) by setting dataEncrypted=true in gateway.conf
  6. Support audio recording on VirtualBox RDP too.
  7. SSH: No need to provide user name, password before connecting; Copy, history browsing support; Ctr+D to close the session; Parameters are not transfered with URL by default.
  8. Server list can be displayed in ssh.html, vnc.html and telnet.html too.
  9. Automatically start up the first or specific connection in login.html
  10. UI improvements: Disconnect button, On-Screen keys which allow Ctrl+Click and Shift+Click etc
  11. New onsessionpause event and allow user to set obj.warn = false to disable warning message.
  12. More customizable options for appcfg.js.
  13. rdp.sessionInfo.joinedSessions to get a list of joined sessions.
  14. Added clientHost parameter for RDP which allow user to specify the local host name.
  15. Allow sending extra parameters to client side in plugin: parameters.put(AbstractSessionHandler.ARG_CLIENT_PROPERTIES, "key=value&name=value");
  16. com.toremote.recording.Merger can merge recored VNC session too.
  17. Disable key combinations in gateway.conf: disabledKeys=29+56+211,56+1 will disable Ctrl+Alt+Del and Alt+Esc
  18. Disable webfeed cache in gateway.conf: webfeedCache=false
  19. Fixed null pointer issue when getting recorded file name of VNC session in plugin
  20. Fixed Ctrl+Alt+Shift+* shortcut not working issue.
  21. Fixed work area size issue when RemoteApp running in a DIV.
  22. Fixed blinking dot issue on IE (touch screen only)
  23. Fixed duplicated characters issue when using voice input on Android.
  24. Fixed RemoteApp wrong title issue and partial painting issue.
  25. Fixed text cursor inverting issue on input fields with black background.
  26. Fixed Spanish `ยด key issue on unicode keyboard
  27. Fixed a 'string is too big' issue when using big cursor on IE within CheckPoint VPN.
  28. Fixed non-breaking space issue one IE with unicode keyboard
4.5 January 12, 2015
  1. Remote audio recording (Microphone) support.
  2. Improved the performance and memory usage.
  3. RDP Dynamic Virtual Channel support.
  4. Better file uploading performance and bandwidth usage
  5. Can pause a session which can be used on shadowing sessions.
  6. Seeking support when playing recorded file from local.
  7. Ping support.
  8. Keyboard input was rewritten and perfect non-English keyboard support on Firefox.
  9. Fixed a Japanese keyboard issue.
  10. Fixed RemoteApp window resize issue when pinch zoom.
  11. Fixed Window scroll issue when pinch zoom on IE
  12. Fixed Ctrl+N opening new tab issue on Firefox when unicode keyboard is used.
  13. Fixed copying XML issue when using copy dialog
  14. Fixed bold font issue when copying RTF format.
  15. Incompatible change: file uploading and Virtual Channels doesn't work on Safari 5 anymore.
4.4 December 14, 2014
  1. Recording session directly on client side (add recording_min.js to your web page).
  2. Support continuous printing jobs.
  3. Better RTF format support when copying formated text from WordPad or other applications which only support RTF format.
  4. Fixed UPN name login issue on webfeed integration.
  5. Fixed copy button was not displayed issue when driver redirection and shadowing are disabled
  6. Fixed printing issue when PCL printer driver is used.
  7. Fixed seek not working issue on recording player on IE.
  8. Fixed onuploadingCancelled not fired issue.
  9. Fixed PDF display issue under Chrome WebApp.
  10. Fixed printer was not redirected issue on Windows 2012 R2 when drive and sound redirection are disabled.
  11. Fixed session terminated issue when using Photoshop CS.
  12. Fixed wrong recording duration issue on rare case.
  13. Other minor fixes and changes.
4.3 November 16, 2014
  1. OAuth2 integration, support Google, Microsoft Live Connect, Yahoo etc
  2. Keys filter on gateway (set disabledKeys in gateway.conf).
  3. Support more clipboard formats, including RTF and PNG, and better image copy/paste
  4. Improved log in performance on MS RD Web Integration.
  5. Option to replace the duplicated file directly during uploading (existingFile: "replace" in appcfg.js).
  6. Start up a remote a connection automatically when logged in using login.html (startup option in appcfg.js)
  7. Option to disable window resizing on joined remoteapp sessions (appcfg.js)
  8. Added onuploadingCancelled event for the JavaScript library.
  9. Added Spanish language.
  10. Don't resize the session when virtual keyboard is on on Window IE model UI.
  11. Fixed 16 bit and 8 bit image copy issue
  12. Fixed onSessionTerminate called twice issue in plugin
  13. Fixed recording file is not release before onSessionTerminate (plugin).
  14. Fixed connection issue when 32 bit color is forced in published RemoteApp (RD Web Integration)
  15. Fixes a pasting Chinese characters issue.
  16. Fixed copying image issue on Windows 8 with virtual keyboard.
  17. Fixed record warning not correctly displayed issue.
  18. Fixed multi line copying issue on Chrome (caused by incompatible API change on Chrome 38).
4.2 October 8, 2014
  1. Improved file uploading: can cancel and resume uploading, check free space before uploading etc.
  2. Improved copy, paste between sessions.
  3. New EchoHandler can be used for network testing; Added NetworkChecker tool in
  4. Updated to Chrome Web App Version 2, now you can use Ctrl+N etc in Chrome Web App.
  5. More user friendly message when connection was refused.
  6. Added disableScrollbars option in hi5.appcfg.
  7. Disable context menu on Canvas only.
  8. Use single instance of AudioContext to avoid Chrome's AudioContext release bug
  9. Disable local IME when remote IME is used on Japanese keyboard.
  10. Fixed Previous/next button always visible issue on iOS 8.
  11. Fixed key "<>" issue on German Switzerland keyboard.
  12. Fixed paste issue when using soft keyboard on Windows 8 and iOS
  13. Fixed pasting image to MS Word not recognized issue.
  14. Fixed mouse button out of browser releasing issue.
  15. Fixed mouse wheel issue on newest version of Mac OS.
  16. Fixed wrong join link issue in Chrome Web App.
  17. Fixed a TELNET connection issue introduced in 4.1.
  18. Fixed duplicated RemoteApp closing notification issue (RemoteApp plugin)
4.1 September 12, 2014
  1. Recording and playback support on VNC, TELNET, SSH.
  2. Merge recorded files with com.toremote.recording.Merger.
  3. Better recording/playback support on resized RDP session.
  4. New HTTP API for creating server, symlink dynamically without writing plugin.
  5. credSSP option in gateway.conf can be true, false, or auto.
  6. Gateway id (configured in gateway.conf) or host name is included in the email notification.
  7. Can configure the style of PC Keys in rdp.css.
  8. Display license information in config.html
  9. Fixed wrong file name issue when uploaded file name includes ( or ), IE only.
  10. Fixed German (Swiss) keyboard input issue.
  11. Fixed a recording thread was not closed immediately issue.
  12. Fixed a cursor drawing issue on Hyper-V console session (before logged in)
  13. Fixed input cursor too big issue on Windows 8 with touch.
  14. Fixed Half/Full character key issue on Japanese keyboard.
  15. Fixed zoom level is not restored issue when remote assistance session was disconnected.
  16. Fixed a line drawing issue under embedded RDP sessions.
  17. Fixed copy image issue on Firefox and IE.
  18. Fixed a repeated character issue on Firefox.
  19. Fixed a OpenID issue.
4.0 July 20, 2014
  1. Support Remote Assistance.
  2. Support SSH and TELNET protocols.
  3. Support multiple Virtual Channels on browser side (only one allowed before 4.0).
  4. Support multiple Gateway Channel which can be used for communicaiton between browser and gateway.
  5. Support orientation change on IE11 too
  6. Fixed AltGr key issue on Chromebook with unicode keyboard.
  7. Fixed paste issue on Ubuntu Firefox
  8. Fixed wrong touch detection on Firefox 24
  9. Fixed repeated character issue on Firefox with unicode keyboard
3.6 January 12, 2014
  1. Support image and html copy/paste in all browsers.
  2. Support shared clipboard on gateway which allow you copy anything among connections.
  3. Support Alt E/V/A/T/H keys on IE (reserved for IE menu).
  4. Can leave session connected on gateway and connect back from other devices.
  5. Can set up supported SSL protocols and client authentication for SSL.
  6. Audio playing performance improved.
  7. Workaround for IE11 cursor bug (IE11 bug 801833).
  8. Display print dialog directly
  9. CredSSP works on all Java versions.
  10. Use copy dialog to notify user when using copy menu instead of Ctrl+C. Set copyDialog: true in appcfg.js to force using copy dialog always.
  11. Support uploading directory in Chrome and Opera.
  12. Fixed zero size file uploading issue.
  13. Fixed minWidth/minHeight doesn't work after orientation changed
  14. Fixed Spanish keyboard (Unicode and non-unicode) issue.
  15. Fixed audio playback broken issue on Firefox 26.
  16. Fixed wrong html link issue on load banlanced gateway.
  17. Fixed null object issue on joined VNC conection.
Incompatible changes
  1. onTextReceived method is final in AbstractHandler, please use onText instead.
  2. remoteAppLogin in appcfg.js deprecated, please use hideLogin instead.
3.5 October 27, 2013
  1. Support VNC protocol (vnc.html) and shadowing.
  2. Support customized cursor on IE
  3. Support auto reconnect (set reconnectTimes in appcfg.js)
  4. Auto reload the last used connection settings on rdp.html
  5. Upload license file from config.html
  6. Fixed cross-domain trust issue when using webfeed integration
  7. Fixed drive redirection issue on particular RDP hosts.
  8. Fixed input issue on IE 11 (Windows 8.1 with touch)
  9. Fixed paste issue on IE with touch.
  10. Fixed copy issue when using unicode keyboard on Firefox
  11. Fixed stopped progress issue on the player.
  12. Fixed numpad key issue after window resized.
  13. Set up error code in ClientException (plugin)
  14. UPDATE: replace SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
Incompatible changes
  1. You need to recompile your plugin if you are using sessionInformation.getConfig(), now it returns SessionConfig which is the parent class of RdpConfig and VncConfig.
3.4 Aug 30, 2013
  1. Support RemoteApp shadowing
  2. Support session thumbnail in plugin
  3. Support macro recording for software testing or automated jobs
  4. Better touch gesture support, better mouse wheel emulation
  5. Send any key combinations using writeKeyComb
  6. Can run as Chrome Packaged App
  7. Import OU from Active directory
  8. Configure default domain in appcfg.js
  9. Fixed copy issue on Safari 6
  10. Fixed plugin loading issue when using RD Web Access Portal integration
  11. File share will be disabled if the browser doesn't support FileReader
  12. Fixed invisible file browser after drag a file to desktop
  13. Fixed extra mouse down issue when pinch zoom on IE
  14. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
  15. Warning: You may need to recompile your plugin
3.3.3 June 27, 2013
  1. Fixed a security issue.
  2. Fixed a paste issue introduced in 3.3.2
  3. Fixed screen position change issue when copying and remote resolution is bigger than local browser window
  4. Width=height=0 means using full browser window
  5. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
3.3.2 June 16, 2013
  1. Better installer for Windows.
  2. Fixed RemoteApp issue when app is not closed from the file menu.
  3. Fixed a freeze issue when copying on Excel
  4. Added "Open in existing Window" option in rdp.html, default is true for iOS.
  5. Fixed a Chinese input issue on Android Firefox
  6. Added onclientactivity and onremoteappstart event
  7. Fixed a connection issue on Firefox 10
  8. Fixed a copy/paste issue on Yozo Office
  9. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory.
3.3.1 May 30, 2013
  1. Fixed a stick key alert issue (introduced in 3.3)
  2. Fixed a wrong RemoteApp position issue(introduced in 3.3)
  3. Fixed RemoteApp symlink issue.
  4. Fixed a paste issue on Firefox (introduced in 3.3)
  5. Better non-unicode keyboard support on Mobile OS.
  6. Added "Open in existing window" option in login.html
  7. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, *.js files, config.html, login.html.
3.3 May 22, 2013
  1. Streamlined for Windows 8 touch interface (including Surface, RT tablets)
  2. Symlink support, you can create a temporary or permanent access link for a RDP host.
  3. Can paste image from local to remote (Chrome only).
  4. Fixed a drawing issue on specific load balanced RDP server.
  5. Better IME compatibility (Hand writing etc) on Android Firefox.
  6. Can hide RemoteApp login screen by set remoteAppLogin = false
  7. Added onsessionlogin interface in session plugin (Warning: Plugin interface changed)
  8. Can use config.html remotely (set password and enable remoteManage in gateway.conf).
  9. Added logged in user name information to report.html.
  10. Don't need to restart the gateway when license file is updated.
  11. Fixed handshake error is not delivered to client issue.
  12. Fixed the <> key issue on Italian keyboard.
  13. Fixed mouse input issue when remote resolution is bigger than local browser Window.
  14. Fixed shift+click issue.
  15. Fixed Windows/shift key release issue.
  16. Better UI for config.html.
  17. Fixed a RemoteApp issue on iOS5.
  18. Fixed printing dialog (PDF dialog) closing issue on IE10
  19. Fixed onclose not fired issue on Mac Safari and Chrome.
  20. Fixed non-standar RDP port issue on RD Web Access Portal Integration.
  21. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
3.2 April 11, 2013
  1. Better performance on Chrome and Safari.
  2. Support external plugin jar file, specify pluginFile in gateway.conf.
  3. Better Android Chrome and Firefox support. Work around for Android Chrome bug 118639.
  4. Better IME support on desktop and mobile browsers, Better Chinese IME support on Firefox and IE10.
  5. Toolbar can be customized. Incompatibility Warning: toolbar definition must be in your web page, otherwise, it will not be displayed.
  6. Email notification when license expire etc.
  7. Better function key mapping and Windows(Search) key support on Chrome OS.
  8. Fixed a RemoteApp window resize issue.
  9. Fixed AltGr key issue on unicode keyboard
  10. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
3.1.1 March 17, 2013
  1. Fixed image drawing issue introduced in 3.1
  2. Control key on Mac will be translated to Windows key
  3. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (Command+Alt+Delete on Mac) will be translated to Ctr+Alt+Del.
  4. Can use browser's copy/paste menu for clipboard redirection.
  5. Fixed adding server issue on config.html, introduced in 3.1
  6. Fixed a no reponse issue when pasting.
  7. Fixed shift+Arrow keys issue on unicode keyboard, introdeced in 3.1.
  8. Fixed a null pointer issue on expired evaluation license.
  9. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
3.1 March 06, 2013
  1. Another 20%-30% performance improvement, which makes Spark View faster than any native RDP clients.
  2. Better quality, faster processing on sound.
  3. Better RemoteApp support.
  4. Session Prelaunch/cache allow user see desktop/RemoteApp right away (check example7.html).
  5. User session idle timeout support, set idleUserSession in gateway.conf.
  6. Can open RemtoeApp in multipel tabs on iOS (slower than opening in same window).
  7. Auto scale on joined sessions.
  8. Better IME processing.
  9. Can delete file directly in the File uploading/downloading dialog.
  10. Can enable/disable DNS lookups in gateway.conf.
  11. Improved page loading speed.
  12. Fixed "Can not keep uploading same file" issue.
  13. Fixed text drawing issue when scrolling screen on some applications.
  14. Fixed text drawing issue when loging in to an existed session.
  15. Fixed sticky key alert issue when using unicode keyboard.
  16. Fixed relogin issue when resizing the browser Window.
  17. Fixed "can not disable clipboard redirection issue"".
  18. Fixed extra "A" issue when pasting data.
  19. Fixed data size issue on client side VirtualChannel extension.
  20. Fixed -=+ key issue on Firefox
  21. Fixed Chinese input issue on duplicated characters.
  22. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory.
  23. Warning: DNS lookups is disabled by default.
3.0 Jan 06, 2013
  1. RemoteFX (Video Acceleration) support.
  2. Better performance. It's even faster than native RDP clients.
  3. Reduced memory usage on Firefox. Firefox 18 is recommended.
  4. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory
2.8.5 November 03, 2012
  1. Active directory integration.
  2. Can listen on 2 ports at the same time (e.g. http and https).
  3. Better Network Level Authentication (CredSSP, don't need to enter credentials when login) and load balancing support.
  4. Fixed a sound playing issue on Mobile Safari 6 (iOS6).
  5. Fixed a 32 bit color issue.
  6. Fixed a printing dialog closing issue on Safari.
  7. Fixed a Ctrl, Alt key (external keyboard) issue on touch OS
  8. Client host name can be customized.
  9. Fixed a Japanese IME issue.
  10. Fixed an AltGr key issue on xrdp and some applications.
  11. Slightly improved the performance.
  12. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory
2.8 September 30, 2012
  1. Supports Windows 8, Windows 2012 and touch remoting, can turn any tablets into Windows 8 tablets.
  2. Supports Hyper-V console
  3. Better pinch zoom, on-screen PC keys on touch interface
  4. Auto scale when in player or join mode.
  5. Fixed a force close issue when opening few RemoteApps
  6. Fixed an uploading file size issue.
  7. Fixed a iOS crash issue when submit the request.
  8. Fixed a password display issue on config.html
  9. Fixed a mouse position issue when when you have some third party toolbars installed.
  10. Better IME support
  11. Performance improvement, especially on Safari 6 (iOS 6).
  12. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory
2.6.5 August 12, 2012
  1. OpenID integration, you can log in with your Google Account.
  2. Streamlined for IE 10.
  3. Streamlined for smart phones, support pinch zoom, scrolling screen when typing etc.
  4. Drag file from the file browser directly to you local desktop (Chrome Only)
  5. Can pass parameters to SparkGateway.init(Properties params) instead of using gateway.conf file
  6. Can get session information from client side(JS library).
  7. Can control recording in Handshake plugin.
  8. Webfedd URL can use non-443 port.
  9. Join link can use gateway address configured on server side.
  10. Fixed a RemoteApp display problem on MS Office 2013
  11. Fixed a typo on the name of ShadowingInterface(plugin)
  12. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all files in html directory
2.6 July 20, 2012
  1. Support more audio decodings. 80% less bandwidth usage (when playing audio) compared with previous version and other HTML5 solutions.
  2. Support audio recording too.
  3. Support screen scrolling when remote desktop is bigger than local window.
  4. More gestures on touch interface, you can use touch pad mode (relative mouse movement) any time with 2 finger operation. Swipe for scrolling screen, Swipe from bottom for Page Down, Swipe from top for Page Up, 3 finger tap for displaying keyboard, 3 finger move for mouse wheel emulation
  5. Improved RemoteApp support
  6. Performance and compatibility improved on RD Web Access Integration
  7. Support RDP virtual channel extension on client side too (Using JavaScript).
  8. Performance improved on Safari, Opera
  9. Fixed a line drawing issue on specific applications
  10. Fixed a file uploading issue when using RemoteApp
  11. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory
2.5 June 16, 2012
  1. RDP Session shadowing support. Multiple users can join/share one existing session via one click.
  2. RDP Session shadowing plugin.
  3. Notification UI improved.
  4. Fixed an autoreconnect issue on load balanced VM.
  5. Support loadbalanceinfo.
  6. Back up gateway.conf before it's saved by config.html.
  7. Config UI improved.
  8. More international keyboards
  9. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory
2.1.3 May 23, 2012
  1. Fixed a performance issue on multiple connections(introduced in 2.1.2)
  2. Fixed auto reconnection issue (don't need to enter user name and password again when reconnect).
  3. Fixed undefined value issue on config.html
  4. Fixed file handle lock issue on sessionTerminat event (Plugin)
  5. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, rdp_min.js and config_min.js
2.1.2 May 16, 2012
  1. User and server configuration UI: config.html
  2. Fixed a whitespace issue when setting cookies with PHP(Use rawurlencode instead of urlencode can avoid this issue)
  3. Can choose printer driver and use PCL printer driver.
  4. New handler plugin, can be used to adding new features to gateway (support new protocol etc)
  5. A self-signed certificagte added to the installer
  6. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all .js files and config.html
2.1.1 May 06, 2012
  1. Gateway allow host name mismatched certificate on RD Web feed.
  2. Fixed a "Not authorised" issue when using RemoteApp.
  3. Fixed a "Access Permission" issue when using the client library in iframe
  4. Resource file path can be recognized correctly
  5. Can config image path in appcfg.js(You usually don't need to do this because of the previous fix).
  6. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, all .js files
2.1 May 02, 2012
  1. We managed to improve the performance again, especially on applications like Excel, Word etc
  2. Improved the compatibility of RD Web Access Portal Integration. You can use this feature even on Linux now
  3. Can use ip range in serves.json
  4. Configuration UI for gateway.conf: config.html
  5. Allow logged in user access not-in-list computers, must set accessNotInList = true in gateway.conf
  6. Don't show "End of transmission" error anymore
  7. A new Java command line tool for reporting and license checking
  8. A WebSocket client (supports wss) which can be used to communicate with gateway directly
  9. Show server address on browser title
  10. Fixed "Size undefined" error when playing file on server.
  11. Fixed a black cursor issue on Linux Terminal Windows(xrdp)
  12. Display a web link button when user copy a web link in remote computer, disable it by setting rdp.openLink = false (Client side JS)
  13. New player plugin which allow playing file from any storage
  14. Can disable console log by setting svGlobal.log = 0 (Client side JS)
  15. Gateway works on non-Oracle JDK too
  16. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, html directory
2.0.4 April 13, 2012
  1. File uploading/downloading enhancement, you can set up download only directory.
  2. Play/broadcast recorded session on server.
  3. Fixed a line drawing issue.
  4. Plugin enhancement: new virtual channel plugin and RemoteApp plugin, session management in plugin etc. Please download the new plugin example.
  5. Fixed a backslash issue on UK keyboard and support user defined keyboard layout.
  6. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar, rdp.html, player.html and js files only.
2.0.3 Apr 1, 2012
  1. RemoteApp improvement, works better when open another RemoteApp in current app.
  2. Can set up session recording in serers.json (per sever level).
  3. 3 finger tap to activate software keyboard on touch interface.
  4. Notification when user don't use keyboard for copy/paste.
  5. Plugin example. Please download this Eclipse project from our web site.
  6. UPDATE: SparkGateway.jar and js files only
2.0.2 Mar 27, 2012
  1. Fixed a RemoteApp drawing issue.
  2. Exposed recording file path to plugin
  3. Chinese language translation.
  4. UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
2.0 Mar 21, 2012
  1. Session recording and playback. Recorded in RDP stream format for auditing and monitoring purpose.
  2. Recorded file has smallest size and best quality which can be played anywhere and any devices.
  3. Rotation support on iPad
  4. Blackberry Playbook OS 2.0 support
  5. New session, users and servers plugins.
  6. Can set up auto reconnect times.
  7. Downloading/uploading UI tuning
  8. Downloading/uploading files on mobile OS(download only in iOS).
  9. Don't save password to local storage
  10. User can choose a correct time zone name if time zone redirection is enabled on RDP host.
  11. User can specify the name of the shared disk.
  12. Better compatibility to applications which don't support unicode
  13. Shared disk can report correct free space.
  14. Support printing and disk mapping on Ulteo xrdp.
  15. Can make tool bar always displayed
  16. Can put your customization code in a seperated js file: appcfg.js.
  17. Fixed a drawing issue on some reporting software and xrdp
  18. Fixed a copy/paste issue when using Unicode keyboard
  19. Fixed uploading issue on Firefox
  20. Fixed a RemoteApp connection issue on Opera.
  21. UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
1.9.5 Feb 29, 2012
  1. RD Web Access Portal integration.(Administrator's Manual 3.3)
  2. Fixed a line drawing issue.
  3. Fixed a display issue which only happens on some RemoteApps.
  4. Fixed a stick key issue.
  5. UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
1.9.2 Feb 13, 2012
  1. Fixed a printing issue introduced in 1.9.1
  2. Fixed a connection issue when resizing the browser window
  3. Fixed a connection issue on Firefox when ssl enabled.
  4. UPDATE: rdp_min.js, hi5_min.js, surface_min.js and SparkGateway.jar
1.9.1 Feb 08, 2012
  1. Bandwidth reduced by 30% on Chrome 16 and IE 10, performance is also improved
  2. Create temporary directory automatically for file uploading/downloading.
  3. Check license status with reporting API.
  4. Cloud button will be hidden if file sharing is disabled on gateway
  5. onerror event for JavaScript RDP object.
  6. Works on IE10
  7. UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
1.9 January 16, 2012
  1. File downloading/uploading support.
  2. Touchpad mode (Relative mouse movement) on touch interface.
  3. New gateway plug-in make integration easier
  4. Reporting API for querying server status.
  5. New Administrator's manual
  6. Fixed a copy/paste issue on Mac
  7. Pass cookie to Rdp JS library.
  8. Added reconnectOnResize and showMsg properties on Rdp JS library
  9. UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
1.8.1 Nov 26, 2011
  1. Android tablets support (Please use Firefox), now we officially support all tablets in market.
  2. Timezone redirection support.
  3. servers.json and users.json modification detect and reload automatically.
  4. Support following shortcut key:
    • CTRL+ALT+END Brings up the Windows Security dialog box.
    • ALT+PAGE UP Switches between programs from left to right.
    • ALT+PAGE DOWN Switches between programs from right to left.
    • ALT+INSERT Cycles through the programs in the order they were started.
    • ALT+HOME Displays the Start menu.
    • ALT+DELETE Displays the Windows menu.
  5. Can disable HTTP header logging, set logHttpHeader = false in gateway.conf
  6. Fixed a "display": false doen't work issue when servers.json is a WHITELIST
  7. UPDATE: html directory and SparkGateway.jar
  8. API Changes:
    • There is a new namespace before all API: svGlobal. Old API will still work in six months
    • var r = new svGlobal.Rdp()
    • var r = new svGlobal.Rdp2()
    • var ui = new svGlobal.LocalInterface()
    • svGlobal.util.initDragDrop
1.8 Nov 21, 2011
  1. RemoteApp support. Please check Administrator's Guide for more information Nov 6, 2011
  1. Fixed a drawing issue when using command prompt window
  2. Added Fast copy option which works better when doing a lot of copy/past
  3. Only need to replace rdp.html and rdp_min.js for updating.
1.7.3 Nov 1, 2011
  1. Performance improved a lot on Chrome 15 (GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D) and other browsers.
  2. Fixed a drawing problem (Font cache issue).
  3. Support non-unicode .rdp file.
  4. Fixed a copy/paste issue
1.7.2 Oct 11, 2011
  1. Another great performance improvement.
  2. .rdp file drag and drop support.
  3. Auto reconnection support.
  4. Remote screen resolution change automatically after browser window is resized.
  5. Unicode keyboard added, which works on almost all non-English keyboard layouts.
  6. SparkView can be registered as a protocol handler, so you can open a link like web+rdp:
  7. Support context menu copy/paste on Firefox too (Must modify Firefox preferences).
  8. More ways to integrate with rdpdirect.html.
1.7.1 Sep 28, 2011
  1. Local storage support, user can save connection to local.
  2. Fixed a copy/paste issue on Chrome, a recent Chrome update broke this and we have a workaround.
  3. More international keyboard layouts
  4. Windows X64 service wrapper and Linux/Unix daemon wrapper
  5. Https and wss(WebScoket secure connection) support
  6. Support context menu copy/paste if it's a Chrome Web Store app (Chrome only)
  7. Login.html page refactored and better for integration
1.7 Sep 18, 2011
  1. Playing sound on local works perfectly(Paid version only)
  2. Seamless plain text and unicode copy/paste
  3. International keyboard support
  4. Fixed a connection issue on xrdp
  5. Login UI improved, able to specify icon for connection
  6. Fixed a NumLock key issue, synchronize NumLock key status automatically
  7. Able to suppress client message, add "showMessage = false" in gateway.conf
  8. Windows installer will stop installation if Java is not detected
  9. Default is on for Clipboard, Printer and Sound redirection
  10. More APIs exposed on client side: writeText, writeUnicode, writeKeyCode, mouseMove, mouseDown, mouseUp, onopen event
  11. Easy Chrome Frame installation on IE, better browser check
1.6.4 Sep 2, 2011
  1. BlackBerry Playbook support
  2. Fixed a "Session not disconnected issue" when using TLS
  3. Fixed a connection issue when password has special characters.
  4. New Windows installer and service wrapper.
1.6.1 Aug 24, 2011 (Work with Spark Gateway 1.6 and above)
  1. Better copy support on Chrome (Only if it's a Web Store App)
  2. Default directory page for Web Server.
  3. Gateway can bind to one of multiple IPs.
  4. Better error page for Web Server
1.6 Aug 12, 2011 (Work with Spark Gateway 1.6)
  1. Printing support(Paid version only)
  2. Spark View can be hosted by SparkGateway which supports simple web server.
  3. Client IP as connection name.
  4. DDoS attack check and prevention(Paid version only)
  5. Use configuration file instead of arguments.
  6. log to file.
  7. Fixed Ctr+C, Ctr+X bug on Firefox
  8. Other improvements and bug fixes
1.5.2 July 27, 2011 (Work with Spark Gateway 1.5)
  1. Fixed a cursor issue on Opera.
  2. Fixed a international character issue on Opera.
1.5.1 July 20, 2011 (Work with Spark Gateway 1.5)
  1. Fixed a disconnection issue on Windows 7.
1.5 July 12, 2011 (Need update Spark Gateway to 1.5)
  1. Speed increased by 20%(LAN) to 300%(WAN, bad condition).
  2. Bandwidth usage reduced by 30%(Image, Video) to 70%
  3. Less CPU and RAM usage on Gateway.
  4. Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V support(Paid version only).
  5. Added "displayName" property for server configuration(servers.json).
  6. UNICODE(UTF-8) support.
  7. Client side IME support.
  8. Auto capitalization support on iPad.
  9. Fixed a color scheme issue on Windows 2008 R2
1.1.1 June 25, 2011
  1. Fixed a cursor issue on 2008 R2
  2. The default size of remote desktop is to fit the browser window.
  3. Don't show the scroll bar
  4. More user friendly error message
  5. Fixed a user release issue when using user management.
1.1.0 June 14, 2011
  1. User management on Gateway
  2. Map directories on Gateway to RDP host for each connection(Full version only).
  3. Play sound on remote computer
  4. iPad usability improvement.
1.0.5 June 6, 2011
  1. Can define server list(can be a normal list, whitelist or blacklist) on Gateway
  2. Can fetch servers from the Gateway on the client
  3. Can also input computer id for connection, id is defined on the server list.
  4. Fixed non-standard RDP port issue.
  5. Fixed start program issue.
1.0.0 May 4, 2011