Remote Vision
Java RDP/VNC Client
Here are the parameters you can use in the applet:
- "server", ip address or host name
- "port", RDP listening port, default is "3389"
- "username", Windows user name
- "password", Windows user name
- "domain" Windows domain name
- "bpp", color bit, default is 16 bit color
- "geometry", resolution, example: "800x600"
- "console", connect to console session, default is "no" or "false"
- "command", the program you want to run, example: value="c:\Windows\notepad.exe"
- "directory" the directory where program running. example: value="c:\Windows\"
- "mapClipboard" default value="false" or "no"
- "mapDisk" default value="false" or "no", user can drag a directory to the applet Windows for sharing
- "playSound" default value="1", no sound; "0" bring sound to local; "2" leave sound on remote computer
- "audioRecord" default value="false" or "no"
You can also run it as a Java Application: double click RemoteVision.jar (for Windows) or key in "Java -jar RemoteVision.jar" and return in a Command Prompt/Terminal window.
It's free for personal use. Contact us for OEM/Customization.
Please also check the world's first HTML5 RDP client, or go to Chrome Webstore, search "Spark View".
It's only HTML and JavaScript, no Java, no flash, no ActiveX and other kind of plugins, and It's amazingly fast and far more better than I was expected. It's also streamlined for iPad and touch interface.